Núria Cadenes
Writer and journalist
Lives in Horta Sud, near Valencia. She currently contributes to Vilaweb, the weekly El Temps and Catalunya Ràdio. She has written biographical books (Memòries de presó or L'Ovidi, which explains the life and work of the Alcoy artist Ovidi Montllor), travel books (Vine al sud!, a fun guide to the Valencian Community) and short stories (AZ, which won the Ciutat de Elche prize and the Critics' Prize for Valencian Writers).
She has short stories in several anthologies (in the very black Assassins valencians, Elles tambié maten or Barcelona, viatge a la perifèria criminal; in the bloodthirsty Sangassa; in La improbable vida de Joan Fuster...). She has published the novels El banquer, which fictionalises the life of Joan March; Tota la veritat, which won the Crímenes de Tinta prize; Secundaris, with the other side of Olympic Barcelona; and Guillem, a documentary novel in which he explains the case of Guillem Agulló, the young Valencian murdered by fascism in 1993, which has been awarded the Valencia Negra and Lletra d'Or prizes.